Sunday, July 8, 2012

What Autism Looks Like : Figuring Out the Recipe

Reposted with permission by the author.  Original post at


What Autism Looks Like by Figuring Out the Recipe

Autism families across the nation are posting ‘What Autism Looks Like’ blogs in response to 50 Cents tweet calling someone autistic as a put down.  Our community has responded and stood up for our kids. For their acceptance. For being loved for who they are.  It made me proud to be an autism mommy.
So to us, this is what Autism Looks Like
To us, autism looks like a fighter.  A child struggling to learn what everyone else picks up naturally.  Speech is difficult, this world is difficult, but he pushes on.  He tries. He doesn’t give up. He practices and listens and practices some more. He wants to be loved. He wants to please. He wants to have fun and be with friends.
Is being called autistic really all that bad? Don’t let my child become a word used to embarrass other people. Don’t let him become a put down.  Because to us, he’s our first born, love of our lives, more dear to us then words can say. He is an inspiration not an embarrassment.
You can view all the posts here from other mommies like me.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos, simply fantastic. What a beautiful boy.
